KAPAHA | 100% Organic Cotton APP
Organic cotton is grown and processed without toxic chemicals that can be absorbed easily when in contact with the user's skin. Pesticides, fertilizers and chemicals used to grow and process conventional cotton fabrics may go directly to the users blood stream, which consequently affect's the body's organs and tissues.
Besides the naturally soft organic cotton fabric is a lot more comfortable to use and is available at competitive prices.
Take a look at some hard facts given below :
• Most of the chemicals used in conventional farming were first developed for warfare!
• An estimated 25 million people worldwide are poisoned by pesticides every year!
• 25% of the pesticides and fertilizers used in the world are sprayed in conventional cotton crops even though these crops occupy just 3% of the world’s farmland.
• Over 0.75 kgs of toxic chemicals are used to grow the cotton needed for a conventional cotton sheet set! About 0.5kgs to make a T-shirt and pair of jeans.
• Some of these chemicals and pesticides are among those classified by the United States - Environmental Protection Agency.