Janaza Ki Namaz | नमाजे जनाजा APP
About Application:
This is an Islamic Hindi Janaza App. If you are looking and want to learn namaze janaza (जनाजा की नमाज़) so it is for you. Through this app you can read and learn Namaz e janaza ka tarika in Hindi (नमाजे जनाजा का तरीका), Namaze Janaza Ki dua (नमाजे जनाजा की दुआ) and Namaz e janaza ki niyat (नमाज़े जनाज़ा की नियत). It is totally Janaza ki namaz Ki Kitab (जनाज़ा की नमाज़ की किताब) in Hindi Language and offline mode. You don’t need to download anything to read book.
• Simple clean and user interface with many useful features.
• attractive and Clear text.
• Easy to use.
• Colourful text.
• High quality images.
• Zoom in and zoom out option.
• Janaza Ka Tarika (जनाज़ा का तरीक़ा).
• Janaza Ki Dua (जनाज़ा की दुआ).
• Janaza Ke Masail (जनाज़ा के मसाइल).
• Kafan Pahnane Ka Tarika (कफन पहनाने का तरीका).
• Kafan Dafan (कफन दफन).
• Dafan Ka Tarika (दफन का तरीका).
• Qabar Ke Masail (क़बर के मसाइल).
• Qabar Par Fatiha Ka Tarika (क़बर पर फातिहा का तरीका).
• Janaza Le Chalne Ka Bayan (जनाज़ा ले चलने का बयान).
• Qabar par mitti dene ki dua (क़बर पर मिट्टी देने की दुआ).
About Funeral Prayer:
Ṣalāt al-Janāzah (Arabic: صلاة الجنازة) is the Islamic funeral prayer; a part of the Islamic funeral ritual. The prayer is performed in congregation to seek pardon for the deceased and all dead Muslims. The Salat al-Janazah is a collective obligation upon Muslims (farḍ al-kifāya) i.e., if some Muslims take the responsibility of doing it, the obligation is fulfilled, but if no-one fulfils it, then all Muslims will be accountable.
Performing the funeral prayer when the body is not present is generally not permitted in the Hanafi and Maliki madhhabs, is permitted in the Hanbali madhhab, and is recommended in the Shafi'i madhhab.
All content of this application is free but don't use for commercial purpose. If you have any doubt, please contact us by given Email.
Samar Misbahi
Email: [email protected]