Hallobumil APP
Hallobumil merupakan aplikasi interaktif pertama di Indonesia untuk Mama maupun calon Mama, menemani mulai dari promil, kehamilan hingga pasca melahirkan. Mama juga bisa ngerasain pengalaman ngobrol sama Si Kecil sejak kehamilan lho~
Fase Program Hamil
Buat Mama yang lagi ngerencanain kehamilan, ada fitur Kalender Kesuburan buat tau waktu paling baik buat perencanaannya dan juga tips-tips biar promil lancar jaya! Ada fitur: Bacaan Mama dan Tanya Ahli juga lho.
Fase Kehamilan
Mama, mau tau rasanya bisa ngobrol dan gimana pertumbuhan Si Kecil dari sekecil biji wijen, sampai HPL tiba? Mama bisa liat di fitur timeline dan dialog harian. Selain itu juga ada: Hitung tendangan, Album Foto, Bacaan Mama, dan Tanya Ahli.
Fase Pasca Melahirkan
Yeay, Mama udah ketemu sama Si Kecil! Fitur tumbuh kembang, album foto, tanya ahli dan dialog harian bakal bantu Mama ngadepin Si Kecil di tiap fase pertumbuhannya. Jadi lebih tau apa yang dibutuhin Si Kecil.
Karenanya cuma Hallobumil yang #mengertimama, yuk download sekarang!
Hallobumil is the first interactive app in Indonesia designed for every Mama and expectant Mama, providing support from pre-pregnancy planning, pregnancy, and the postpartum period. Mama is also able to experience the joy of chatting with their little ones starting from the pregnancy phase.
Pre-Pregnancy Planning Phase
For Mama who are planning for pregnancy, there’s a fertility calendar feature to know the best time for planning and also tips for a smoother conception journey. The Features are Articles & Tanya Ahli.
Pregnancy Phase
Mama, would you like to know what it feels like to chat and see how your little one grows from being as tiny as a sesame seed to the expected due date? See the progress using the timeline and daily dialogue features.
Postpartum Phase
Yay! Mama has already met the little one! Let's try our growth and development feature to help Mama get a better understanding of her little one. Mama will know what’s best for the lovely baby!
Don’t miss it out because Hallobumil is the only one who #mengertimama. Download now!
Baca selengkapnya
Fase Program Hamil
Buat Mama yang lagi ngerencanain kehamilan, ada fitur Kalender Kesuburan buat tau waktu paling baik buat perencanaannya dan juga tips-tips biar promil lancar jaya! Ada fitur: Bacaan Mama dan Tanya Ahli juga lho.
Fase Kehamilan
Mama, mau tau rasanya bisa ngobrol dan gimana pertumbuhan Si Kecil dari sekecil biji wijen, sampai HPL tiba? Mama bisa liat di fitur timeline dan dialog harian. Selain itu juga ada: Hitung tendangan, Album Foto, Bacaan Mama, dan Tanya Ahli.
Fase Pasca Melahirkan
Yeay, Mama udah ketemu sama Si Kecil! Fitur tumbuh kembang, album foto, tanya ahli dan dialog harian bakal bantu Mama ngadepin Si Kecil di tiap fase pertumbuhannya. Jadi lebih tau apa yang dibutuhin Si Kecil.
Karenanya cuma Hallobumil yang #mengertimama, yuk download sekarang!
Hallobumil is the first interactive app in Indonesia designed for every Mama and expectant Mama, providing support from pre-pregnancy planning, pregnancy, and the postpartum period. Mama is also able to experience the joy of chatting with their little ones starting from the pregnancy phase.
Pre-Pregnancy Planning Phase
For Mama who are planning for pregnancy, there’s a fertility calendar feature to know the best time for planning and also tips for a smoother conception journey. The Features are Articles & Tanya Ahli.
Pregnancy Phase
Mama, would you like to know what it feels like to chat and see how your little one grows from being as tiny as a sesame seed to the expected due date? See the progress using the timeline and daily dialogue features.
Postpartum Phase
Yay! Mama has already met the little one! Let's try our growth and development feature to help Mama get a better understanding of her little one. Mama will know what’s best for the lovely baby!
Don’t miss it out because Hallobumil is the only one who #mengertimama. Download now!