Human Resource Management APP
➻ Human: refers to the skilled workforce in the organisation.✴
➻ Resource: refers to limited availability or scarceness.✴
➻ Management: refers how to optimize and make best use of such limited and a scarce resource so as to meet the ordination goals and objectives.✴
【Topics Covered in This App are Listed Below】
⇢ HRM - Overview
⇢ Importance of HRM
⇢ The Scope of HRM
⇢ Features of HRM
⇢ Integrating HR Strategy with Business Strategy
⇢ HRM - Planning
⇢ Job Analysis
⇢ Job Design
⇢ Job Evaluation
⇢ HRM - Talent Management
⇢ Functions of Talent Management
⇢ Advantages of Effective Talent Management
⇢ HRM - Training and Development
⇢ Career Development
⇢ The Need for Career Development
⇢ Career Development-Objectives
⇢ HRM & Career Development Responsibilities
⇢ Career Development Process
⇢ Career Planning System
⇢ HRM - Performance Management
⇢ Effective Performance Management and Appraisal
⇢ HRM - Employee Engagement
⇢ Rules of Employee Engagement
⇢ HRM - Employee Performance
⇢ Employee Performance Reviews
⇢ Coaching
⇢ Working on Low Morale
⇢ HRM - Compensation Management
⇢ Objectives of Compensation Policy
⇢ Importance of Compensation Management
⇢ Types of Compensations
⇢ Components of Compensation
⇢ HRM - Rewards and Recognition
⇢ Types of Rewards
⇢ Flexible Pay
⇢ Organizational Culture and HR Practices
⇢ Management Styles
⇢ HRM - Workplace Diversity
⇢ Issues in Managing Diversity
⇢ Gender Sensitization
⇢ HRM - Industrial Relations
⇢ Labour Laws
⇢ HRM - Dispute Resolution
⇢ Dispute Resolution Procedures
⇢ HRM - Ethical Issues
⇢ Major Issues in Ethical Management
⇢ HRM - Audit and Evaluation
⇢ HRM - International
⇢ IHRM vs. HRM
⇢ HRM - eHRM
⇢ HRM - Small Scale Units
⇢ HR Challenges - How to cope with them efficiently?
⇢ Human Resource Audit - Meaning, Phases and its Advantages
⇢ Termination and Outplacement
⇢ Strategic human resource management
⇢ Rationale of strategic human resource management
⇢ Integrating business strategy with human resource strategy
⇢ Strategic human resource management model
⇢ SHRM in the third world countries
⇢ Some specific human resource management cases from Africa
⇢ Human resource policies
⇢ Formulating human resource policies
⇢ Specific human resource policies
⇢ Reward policy
⇢ Equal employment opportunity and affirmative action
⇢ Employee resourcing
⇢ Levels of human resource planning
⇢ Recruitment and selection
⇢ Interviewing
⇢ Performance management
⇢ Public sector performance measurement
⇢ Reward systems management
⇢ Human resource development
⇢ Training needs analysis (TNA)
⇢ Systematic training model
⇢ Employee relations
⇢ A unifying psychological theory of employee-employer relations
⇢ Talent and competency based human resource management
⇢ Competence framework
⇢ Competence based human resource management (CBHRM)
⇢ The limitations of traditional PMS
⇢ International human resource management
⇢ International diversity and IHRM
⇢ Sources of human resources in an international organisation
⇢ Recruitment and performance appraisal in the public sector
⇢ Recruitment and retention of human resource for health