HOC247 is the leading online learning application for K12 with full functions of solving textbooks, SBT workbooks, SNC advanced books Online and downloading Offline; find the solution by taking pictures with AI technology quickly within 2s; online multiple-choice exam questions according to exam questions between HK, HK exam, national high school exam and mixed multiple-choice questions according to lessons and topics; provides more than 18 great learning utilities to help solve all common problems at high school level such as units, geometry, common sense, equation solver, system of equations, dictionary, calculator... to help students learn good at Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Literature, English, History, Geography, GDCD, Informatics and Technology from grade 6 to grade 12 following the new curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training. Fully update the latest book series according to the new program of the Ministry of Education and Training such as kite books, knowledge connection books and creative horizon books.
- Prizes for textbooks/SBTs BY PAGE
Allows searching for solutions to exercises, composing texts, sample texts by topic or by page quickly all textbooks, SBTs of CDs, self-study, new program curriculum and textbooks of the Ministry of Education of the old program. Support offline download feature of SBT textbooks of all subjects Math, Literature, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Technology, GDCD and Informatics from grade 6 to 12 to Access anytime without 3G/4G or Wifi network.
Solve exercises with AI camera, the solution results in just 3 seconds. Solving the exercise is very simple, just turn on the camera to take a picture of the question after 3 seconds with the solution and 10 similar exercises to help you learn well your homework and exam preparation. Image recognition by AI camera technology takes pictures of handwriting, capital letters or text input, providing detailed, clear, accurate and appropriate exercise solutions, including similar types of questions and answers to help solve problems. students practice.