Giridih local news provides all local news of giridih district

नवीनतम संस्करण

18 अग॰ 2024
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

Giridih Local News APP

Giridih local news: Get all local news of giridih, jamua, rajdhanwar etc.
This app is developed to share all local news of giridih district.
This app covers the following area as follows-
1. Giridih local news
2. Jamua local news
3. Mirzaganj local news
4. Rajdhanwar local news
5. pachamba local news
6. kharagdiha local news
7. Tisri local news
8.Deori local news
9.Bengabad local news
10. Mandro local news
11. Hazaribag local news
12. Dhanbad local news
13. Ranchi news in hindi

Giridih local news app has a number of news collector in the following areas-

Giridih city news
Giridih local news
jamua local news
mirzaganj local news
rajdhanwar local news

We are regularly expanding news collecting area and hiring new person to collect the genuine news.

Note:- There is no time set for news publishing, once we get genuine news we just publish it in Giridih local News app. So you will be updated with your area local news.

News are categorised so you can find area based news in category section

Know about Giridih:-
Giridih (Hindi: गिरिडीह) is headquarters of the Giridih district of Jharkhand state, India.
The literal meaning of Giridih is the land of hills and hillocks – giri, a Hindi word, means hills and dih, another word of the local dialect, indicates lake.
Before 1972, Giridih was part of Hazaribagh district.
Giridih is a centre of the prestigious Indian Statistical Institute (ISI).
Giridih is also one of the six Data Processing Centres of Data Processing Division (DPD) of National Sample Survey Office (NSSO).
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