HEEADSSS is a psychosocial screening tool for young people (10-24 years old) that can be used by professionals involved in the care of young people. The HEEADSSS domains reflect the major domains of a young person’ life and the risks to their health and psychosocial wellness: Home Education/Employment, Eating, Activities, Drugs (inc alcohol and smoking), Sexual health, Suicide (mood) and Safety. It can be done quickly and efficiently, even in busy departments.
About HEADSSS app
HEEADSSS is an international screening tool that has been used successfully since the 1990s. The app aims to promote screening as a routine part of health, education or social care interventions as well as to provide direct links to national and local resources.
The app has been developed by passionate child health professionals with the techy bit done by weareinnovative.co.uk. It was made possible by a grant from Health Education England.