Happje APP
Choose from over 275 recipes from categories:
- Fruit snacks
- Vegetable meals
- Breakfast
- Sandwich toppings and lunch
- Dinner
- Snacks
- Desserts
- Family meals
All recipes are created and validated in collaboration with a paediatric dietitian according European nutrition guidelines.
- No subscription
All features are available without additional costs. There are no monthly recurring costs or in-app purchases needed.
- Cow's milk and peanut free
Filter on cow's milk or peanut free recipes when your baby has an allergy.
- Fresh and homemade
Recipes for parents who prefer fresh and homemade meals over preprocessed products.
- From 4 months and older
Do you want to start with solid foods for your 4 months old baby? This app provides all the information you need when starting with solid foods for babies from 4 months and older.
- Tips & Tricks
Useful tips & tricks about starting with solid foods up to family meals bundled in one app.
- Feeding schedules
Our example schedules structure your day when combining breast feeding or infant milk with solid foods. Matching your baby's age from 2 to 12 months.
- Invest in nutrition
You make the decision for fresh, biological and/or local products when choosing the ingredients for your baby's meals. Happje provides simple recipes so you can save money on preprocessed products.
- Favourite recipes
Mark your baby's favourite recipes so you have them always close to you.
- Meat, fish or vegetarian
Adjust your personal preferences for meat, fish or vegetarian, so it will only serve you with relevant recipes.