The prediction exclusively of the movement of your hand when shuffling.

Latest Version

Feb 10, 2018
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Gypsy Tarot. APP

The Tarot Gitano is a free Tarot application in English, very complete and easy to use
What is special about it?
Gypsy Tarot
  - With 22 major arcana.
-The shuffle depends solely and exclusively on the movement of your hand.
-Designed with the letter in reverse.
- It is not automatic random your unconscious movement of the wrist just like when you are shuffling decide which cards you leave.
Three Types of Tarot
-Tarot traditional 9 cards 3 of past 3 of present and 3 of future.
-Tarot of a prediction.
-Tarot of the Si or No.

Different themes and predictions to ask:

-Easy to use, Fast and 100% Safe!
- Share it on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus with all your acquaintances, friends and family. Sure they will thank you;)
Give feedback and help us improve.

Thank you very much and we hope you enjoy our app! :)
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