Shiv Puran, English/Hindi/Audio Satsangs, Shabads, Sangat nearby, Guruji vachan

Latest Version

Jul 8, 2024
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Guruji Maharaj APP

Receive Guruji's blessings through Satsangs, Shabads, Guruji's vachans and connect with Guruji's sangat through - the site blessed by revered Guruji Maharaj while in physical form.

The site was created for the benefit of the sangat and has been blessed by Guruji Maharaj while in physical form. Guruji has always been against publicity in TV, print media etc. yet a medium was required to spread awareness and to let people know about Him. Thus the site was created where sangat can share experiences with other devotees, know about satsangs happening around the world, read/listen to satsangs, have darshan of Guruji's swaroop, listen to shabads and stay informed about upcoming events/functions to be celebrated in Guruji's Bade Mandir or Dugri Mandir which is the birth place of Guruji.

Features of this app:

- Know about the Light Divine - Guruji Maharaj
- Know about heaven on Earth - Bade Mandir
- Shiv Puran in Hindi/English
- Satsangs (devotees experiences) in English/Hindi
- Guruji's vachans (commandments)
- View Guruji's divine form in human attire
- Audio satsangs
- Shabads in audio format
- Read books on Guruji
- Read translations/meanings of shabads (devotional songs)
- View photos of Guruji's Mandir in Delhi, Dugri and Jalandhar,
- Know about satsangs happening near you
- No Ads

While every effort has been made to give the best experience, kindly excuse any inadvertent error. Feel free to share your comments/views/suggestions/criticism regarding the site/app.
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