GrowDoc - Retired Sept 2023 APP
This app is no longer support as of Sept 2023.
Stop pulling your hair out searching for what’s wrong with your cannabis plant!
We are the go-to resource for seeking a solution to your cannabis plant problems. Undiagnosed problems like nutrient deficiency can spell disaster for your flower/bud. Not only can yield drop by up to 96%, but terpenes can decrease by 20%, and THC by 28%.
What Goes Into Our App:
-$100,000+ of Cannabis research
-40+ 100% accurate cannabis plant problems
-Organic Solutions
-HD Images + Video
-Detailed information + Infographics
Take advantage of over $100,000 of cannabis research we have conducted and become a master at diagnosing your cannabis plant with our catalog of 40+, 100% accurate cannabis plant problems. Each entry includes organic solutions, high-quality images, infographics, videos, and a detailed description of the problem. We have problems ranging from insects, deficiencies, toxicities, mutations, viruses, and more!
If you are a beginner-intermediate grower our GrowDoc Grow Blog is perfect for you; ready with vital growing information to get you growing big buds! Setting up the right environment for growing, different types of mediums (soil, DWC, etc.), pest management, and more are all included in our blog.
Our scanning feature can give you answers instantly with a photo of your affected cannabis leaf. Using the scanner is simple too! (Be aware, our scanning feature is always being improved!)
Features That Grow With You:
-GrowDoc’s Cannabis Plant Problem Catalogue-
GrowDoc has a massive database of high-quality images, videos, information, and organic solutions for over 40 cannabis plant problems. We are constantly updating our information as our cannabis research continues.
Iron, sulfur, potassium, zinc, boron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen.
Corn Earworm, Eurasian Hemp Borer, armored scale bugs, soft-shelled scale bugs, Snails, Slugs, Grasshoppers, Stinkbug, Mealybugs, Leafhopper/planthopper, Crickets, caterpillar, whiteflies, Spider Mites, Fungus Gnats, Russet Mites, Aphids, Thrips, Leaf Miner
Pathogens + Other
Root Rot, Nitrogen Toxicity, Algae, Spray Burn, Salt Build-up, Underwatering, Overwatering, Heat Stress, Vegetation/Mutation, PH Fluctuation, Light Burn, White Powder Mildew, Nutrient Burn
-Organic Solutions-
We know you care about the environment as much as we do, that’s why when we can, we make sure to include organic solutions to every cannabis plant problem!
-Detailed Plant Problem Description + Extras-
Educate yourself while browsing our cannabis plant problems! We include detailed descriptions of every problem, not only that, we have videos and infographics that include helpful information.
-Cannabis Deficiency Information from Scientific Studies-
We have partnered with several Canadian and American research institutions to provide you with the most accurate information and images to better identify your cannabis plant’s problem.
-GrowDoc’s Grower’s Blog-
The blog is a great resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of cannabis and how to grow it.
-Scan History-
Browse your scan information so you never have to worry about forgetting what nutrient deficiency, pest, or disease your plant was experiencing.
Faster, More Accurate Diagnosing Features That Put The DOC In GrowDoc
- Plant Problem Scanner-
Like taking your cannabis plant to get a check-up, scan your cannabis leaf, and get a diagnosis, get a solution.
-Plant Health Meter-
We will tell you the severity of your plant’s issues and inform you if recovery is possible.
-Male/Female Scanner-
One male plant can ruin all your hard work and effort. Never waste your time growing the wrong cannabis plant.
We Are Growers.
GrowDoc is registered in Canada and intended for the legal Cannabis markets only.