GreenSteam Capture is designed for the marine shipping industry to read all types of fuel flow meters where automatic data logging is not available. It eliminates the need for manually recorded readings which are error prone, burden the crew and are often submitted incomplete. This improves the quality and frequency of fuel consumption reporting which is particularly important for short term time charter vessels relying on manually recorded data. GreenSteam Capture provides regular, accurate fuel consumption data to track performance enabling operators and charterers to take remedial action and improve performance. Ease of use helps crew acceptance. Every meter reading is stored to create an auditable trail which the crew can neither edit nor delete. This is helpful in the event of claims and useful to support environmental performance compliance. GreenSteam Capture can also be used to capture readings from any other meters on board the vessel.
The solution integrates with GreenSteam’s AI-based vessel performance models and can also be used to feed Noon Reporting applications.