Free FTP Server to transfer files between devices

Latest Version

Jan 12, 2021
Google Play ID

App APKs

Free FTP Serverr APP

Use our android ftp server to read/write data from your computer/android device. Backup your photos, music and movies to your computer, etc.

For a ftp client I recommend FileZilla (you can download it on but you can also use file explorer on windows.
Its simple after you run the app and the ftp server starter just type in your ftp address "ftp://ip address:2121" now you will be able to transfer data between your pc and android device and vice versa.

The app is completely free.


Works over Wifi and Wifi tethering mode (hotspot mode).
Name and password can be changed.
Change your root directory on device.
Run the app in the background.
Avoid using USB cables for file transfer and copy/backup files over Wifi.

Steps to use the app:
1. Connect to Wi-Fi network and open app.
2. Click the power button
3. Type in the server URL in a FTP client (FileZille) or windows explorer and transfer between devices.

That's it. Now you have all your documents, file, photo, movies, music, on your phone!

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