Football Play Card APP
Get the free app as a part of your membership and you can instantly create and view play cards on your Android tablet.
If you are not currently a Football Play Card member, sign up for free for 7 days and start creating play cards, play scripts and playbooks immediately.
Football Play Card has been designed by former collegiate football players with input from professional and collegiate coaches to include the necessary features to take creating and drawing football plays, play cards, play scripts, and playbooks to the championship level. Coaches at the youth, high school, college and professional levels will no longer have to waste time drawing football play cards by hand and can spend more time focusing on winning. With the tap of a few buttons, not only can you modify the preset formations and play cards, you can also create custom reusable offensive formations, defensive fronts, and defensive coverages. Take your play cards to the field on an Android tablet or by printing them out from the web. This is a must-have tool for football coaches at every level.
Available Features
- Create and draw play cards for offense, defense, and special teams
- Use preset offensive formations, defensive fronts, and defensive coverages to create play card
-- 10 Offensive Personnels
-- 36 Offensive Formations
-- 8 Defensive Personnels
-- 26 Defensive Fronts
-- 12 Defensive Coverages
- Over 1000 unique preset play cards available (includes Offense, Defense, Kickoff, Punt, and Field Goal)
- Defensive front alignments are unique for each offensive formation
- Defensive coverage alignments are based on the offensive formation and defensive front that are selected
- Update the terminology of personnels, formations, fronts, and coverages to match your team
- Drag and move players and defensive actions on the screen to customize the play card for the alignment you need
- Select routes, blocks, coverage zones for each player
- Draw your own routes, blocks, coverages, blitzes, and stunts on play cards
- Create play scripts based on your play cards
- Add shading to offensive players
- Change the letter, number, and color of a player (Player Options)
- Create reusable formations, fronts and coverages by saving your changes to preset formations, fronts and coverages
- Flip the play card or the formation, front, and coverage to get the look you need
- Player-snap-to-grid to get perfect alignments
- Use Field Options to change settings for the Hash Marks, Yard Lines, Yard Line Numbers and Play Card Info.
- Display all of your selected cards in a play script on your Android tablet during practice so you do not have to draw them by hand.
- Edit and save changes to play cards
- Sync play card data to the Football Play Card cloud
- Access your play card data on other devices and computers
- Print your play cards on the web at
- Ability to share play card binders with multiple accounts (Contact [email protected] for setup information)