FitDay APP
the #1 app for workouts, fitness and better health. This app is really easy to use. There are instructions and video for each exercise which are good for beginners. Besides that, the app comes with a different routine of workout and different types of workout targeting different areas, there are plenty of options for everyone. Join Millions who are using our app to make exercising a daily habit.
Short on time but still want to get healthier?
FitDay is the app for you.
Workout anywhere, anytime.
A personal trainer right in your pocket. FEATURES Short and effective workouts that will make you sweat!
Scientifically proven to improve health.
• Burn fat and lose weight with a daily workout routine. Beginner friendly workouts that are easy today.
Beginner friendly workouts that are easy to learn and perform.
• No gym or workout equipment needed. Workout anytime, anywhere.
• Voice and video instructions. It's like having a personal trainer in your pocket.
• Real personal trainers that will guide you, answer your questions and help you to build the body shape you looking for.
• Meals and kind of food with its benefits and how to eat the right food for you, Calculate daily calories and BMI.
• Customized daily workouts where we pick the exercises. You just need to bring the energy.
• Multi-week workout programs designed by professional trainers that will get you results.
• Now with Stretching workout too!
Take control of your health and fitness and sweat with us!
Free, quick and effective. What are you waiting for?
Let FitDay help you get healthier today!