Safaricom Ethiopia & EthioTelecom Services in single App supporting 2 SIM Cards

Latest Version

Apr 21, 2024
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Ethiopian Telecom in one App APP

App for Ethiopian Telecom users: EthioSafari (Safaricom + EthioTelecom)

App supports both telecom services givers in Ethiopia which are Safaricom Ethiopia and EthioTelecom. This makes the App one stop solution since it supports both telecom service providers in Ethiopia.

EthioSafari supports two SIM card options.

You can get the following services using this EthioSafari (Safaricom + EthioTelecom) App.

👉 Recharging Balance quickly and easily , Let the user use their Phone Camera to read the card number and fill out their balance without having to read and write the hidden numbers manually

👉 Checking balance in supper fast way, just by clicking on a button users can check for their current balance

👉 Request call me back, by selecting contacts from their contact list the request can be sent without writing any number or USSD code

👉 Money Transfer, just by selecting the contact and inputting how much to transfer on the transfer money interface and hitting the transfer button

All the above services work for both EthioTelecom and Safaricom SIM cards.

Thank you for using EthioSafari (ሳፋሪኮም ኢትዮጵያ እና ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም) App.
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