Mejor Aplicación Fantasy Cricket de la India! Utilizar el conocimiento de cricket de sacar provecho de sus sueños.

Última Versión

9 mar. 2019

App APKs


LetsPlay! is built for the best fantasy experience for a cricket fan. The application is available as a mobile app and also as a website. LetsPlay! features best-in-class fantasy game features which are a result of hard research of top fantasy games for various types of sports across the world. With a long-term vision of providing one fantasy platform for all types of sports, LetsPlay! currently delivers the taste of that platform for fantasy cricket. The application is integrated with top information providers in the cricket world to source all necessary information to the end user. The user can choose to join any live cricket game and create their team by picking their favorite 11 players from among all the players (28) from both the playing teams and user need to pick 5 Super Players to accelerate their points in the standings. The user will earn points based on the performance of their team and is ranked among all the users who played the same game. The user will be rewarded based on their rank.
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