EasyCross contiene un gran conjunto de herramientas de punto de cruz.

Última Versión

5 nov. 2022

App APKs

EasyCross - Punto de cruz APP

App EasyCross - a set of handy tools for cross stitching lovers.

If you want to create a unique cross stitch pattern, then our application is for you.

✔️ create a ready-to-use cross-stitching pattern from any picture, using the galleries of popular mouline floss manufacturers: DMC, Anchor, Madeira, Gamma, Bestex. (The pattern size does not exceed 400 crosses wide);

✔️ edit the resulting pattern. You can edit both individual crosses and shades of the color map;

✔️ mark the already stitched crosses;

✔️ highlight crosses of the same shade;

✔️ find suitable shades of floss using the search function, indicating only the color or number of the desired shade;

✔️ the app's patterns are stored on your phone and are always available to you. You may choose to save your pattern as a PDF file;

✔️ make calculations on convenient calculators (Aida, Linen, crosses, floss);

Enjoy your cross stitching! Ask your questions! Email us, we answer all emails!
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