EndCorona APP
Through this application, the public can access various information about COVID-19 ranging from the current situation of the spread of the disease, the number of patients, the latest news, to the hoaxes about COVID-19 that have circulated through various social media. We want to provide true, correct, new, and evidence-based information that is information based on Medical Science.
This platform by the children of the nation was developed by University of Indonesia students initiated by Arya Lukmana (FKUI '18) and developed by a team from Fasilkom UI consisting of M. Fawwaz Syarif, Albertus Angga Raharja, Ricky Chandra J., Windi Chandra, M. Ashlah , Adyanissa F. Kirana, Eugene Brigita Lauw, and Amrisandha Prasetyo along with the FKUI team namely Lubna Djafar, Sarah Latifa Raharja, Sania Zahrani, Violine Martalia, Irene Audrey DP, Alifia Maharani, and Aditya Parawangsa.
EndCorona has a supervisor of doctors and lecturers from FKUI-RSCM: Prasandhya A. Yusuf, S.Si, M.T., Ph.D, dr. Eric Daniel Tenda, SpPD, FINASIM, dr. Anindya P. Susanto, B.Eng, MM. and dr. Dewi Friska, MKK. This platform is released for the public, in order to provide information, current situation, and hoaxes about COVID-19. EndCorona's activities are funded by the UI - IPTEKS Community Service Grant for the 2020 Community as FKUI's participation in providing solutions to stop the COVID-19 outbreak.