dynamicWatch Companion APP
The dwMap Connect IQ app on your Garmin GPS watch lets you explore new routes while you run, bike and hike, and already offers fast, wireless sync'ing with the dynamicWatch website. Normally the watch app downloads routes directly from the web site and you do not need this Companion app. However if you sometimes change the dwMap route when you don't have an Internet connection, the Companion app lets you take your dynamicWatch routes offline, and change the route on the watch at any time. The Companion app will sync your routes down to the phone whenever you open it, and the routes will be available even if the phone is later offline.
You can import GPX route files saved on your phone or shared by other maps and routes app, and send them directly to dwMap on your watch. You can also change popular dwMap app settings, such as activity type, on the fly, and search for new destinations and create new "Quick Route" from your current location. Premium users can also browse their Strava and Ride with GPS routes, and their dynamicWatch Collections directly within the app, and send them to dwMap on their watch.
The dwMap Connect IQ app to use on your Garmin watch is available from the Garmin App Store at https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/2750f280-82f4-4f21-a32c-57acc7ce4870