Dua E Ashura in Audio Mp3 APP
Dua E Ashura can be read from sunrise to sunset. Dua Ashura is in audio mp3 that provides beautiful voice dua.
Dua Ashura is a very powerful dua to read on 10th muharram.
Duae Ashura aap subah say shaam tak kisi bhee time parh saktay hain.
If you read Ashura Ki Dua allah will guarntee life for a year.
you must read Dua E Ashoora.
allah will keep death away if you read Dua E Ashoora.
if some one is to die that year then he will not be able to read Duae Ashura. Ashura Ki Dua is one of the good Dua that you must read from dawn to dusk. so read Duae Ashura at a suitable time.