Drive Safe APP
With Drive Safe, the driver is given information at the end of every journey about their driving behaviour and a score (0 – 100). The driver is immediately able to recognise weak areas in their driving and improve on them straight away during their next trip. The driver can also look at their driving behaviour over time and see how it compares with other drivers. At the same time, they can also see whether they will be entitled to a discount on renewal of their insurance Policy with General Insurance of Cyprus.
How does it work
Using the sensors and Location Service of the mobile phone, Drive Safe is able to identify the beginning and end of each journey and evaluate the driving behavior of the user/vehicle.
The score for each trip and the total score of the driver is calculated using the advanced scoring model of Drive Safe which takes into consideration:
• Driving in excess of the speed limit,
• Using the mobile phone whilst driving,
• Braking (sudden and aggressive braking),
• Acceleration (sharp and aggressive acceleration) and
Driving during the most dangerous hours (22:00 - 04:00).
The scoring ranges from 0 - 100, with 100 being the optimum.
Drive Safe provides the driver with a full and detailed analysis of every trip, pointing out those areas where the driving was not ideal.
Battery and internet connection
Drive Safe has been designed and developed to ensure minimal battery consumption. When not driving, the expected consumption is negligible (<1% every 24 hours), while when driving, it is 3-5% per hour.
Drive Safe does not require an Internet connection to operate. However, to improve the logging process, it is recommended that you have Wi-Fi and / or Data (3G / 4G) enabled.
Personal Data
The use of state-of-the-art mobile technology to evaluate driving behaviour requires the use of personal data, an issue which General Insurance of Cyprus takes very seriously and we have ensured that the confidentiality of the data is absolutely secure.
Beyond the overall driving score, no one else, other than the user, has access to personally identifiable data (e.g., its routes, detailed driving behaviour). We have ensured the complete separation of the storage of the driving behaviour data (sensor data) from the personal data and no interfacing is feasible.
Each process we use is in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.