Disaster Management BMC APP
Application important features are:-
-- Real-time rainfall data of each weather station refreshed every 15 minutes.
-- Rainfall data available for last 15 minutes, 1 hour, and 3 hours.
-- Temperature, Wind Speed, Humidity and Pressure data of every 15 minutes.
-- Geo-location mapped with closest weather station
-- Daily high tide and low tide data.
-- Vehicular traffic diversions, railway delays if any and
BEST,Railways,Airways,Monorail and Metro running Status Updates.
-- Alerts/Warnings (including Nowcasting) through IMD.
-- SOS facility in case of emergency to contact your near ones.
-- Getting address and details of the nearest Police station, Ward office, Fire
Station, Hospital, Railway Station, Metro Station, Monorail Station, Flooding
Spots, Temporary Shelter and Landslide Prone Areas.
-- 25 Short films on how to manage emergency disaster situation, Mockdrill etc.
-- Push notifications for alerts to the citizens.
Use the Disaster Management BMC application to plan your day during monsoon period.