15. Göttingen Meeting der Neurowissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 22.–24.03.2023

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Göttingen Meeting 2023 (NWG) APP

The 15th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society will be held from March 22 – 24, 2023 at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen. This app is designed to assist the participants, i.e. delegates, symposium organizers, speakers, commercials and sponsors. It provides detailed information on the meeting and the scientific program.

With the itinerary planner everyone can set up an individual schedule. Notifications on any change in the program will keep you updated.

PLEASE NOTE: this app is not collecting any personal data. It will need access to your internal storage to download the app content onto your device. If you allow access to your camera, you can send images to the app timeline or your chat partners. If you allow location services, you can use this app to navigate to the event location. The app will not share any location data with anybody, all location information will only be used locally on your device and not sent to any server. If you have any questions regarding the app data policy and privacy, please feel free to contact us at https://www.nwg-goettingen.de/2023/default.asp?id=29
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