Dual Space & Multi Parallel Space dual technology to clone apps.

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App APKs

Dual Space : Parallel Space APP

App klonen android is completely compatible with duplicate apps. Please select Dual Space if you want to experience unlimited app cloning. You can clone any social apps, clone gaming apps, or klonieren any other app on your mobile.

In order to create a work life balance this dual technology is very awesome. You can make twin apps create multi space there and use them on a single device.

Dual Space Pro Multiple pararell space is a faster app cloner for android that allows you to add unlimited apps klonieren them and use them. You use app duplizieren with full data, less traffic.

The Multi аккаунт feature allows you to use 2 whatsapp in one phone without purchasing a second phone.

Dual Space pararell space lite is the best cloning app creating dual identity of apps and using them with less storage consumption of apps on your phone.

Dual App identity of an app allows you to add multiple аккаунт on a single phone. Many users are worried about how to use dual whatsapp on a single phone. Dual technology has solved this problem for many users.

Easy installation and super cloner provides ease to many users. Dual Identity nature of cloner allows you to not only clone social apps but also its a game cloner as well.

Dual Space & Multi Parallel Space Pro multi app cloner allows you to clone unlimited apps. Cloning one app allows you to use multiple accounts on one app. If you want to make your apps more secure, dual space pro provides you an app lock feature that you can enable through fingerprint and passcode.

Dual Space Pro supports 2accounts(zwei accounts) for almost all social apps. Dual space pro is ad free and allows unlimited app cloning by creating multispace for your cloneapp(klon app). Passcode and fingerprint app lock enables your data privacy and maintains personal space. Dual identity allows multi social(متعدد الموازي) accounts to log in at the same time.

Features of Dual Space pro: Multi Parallel space & Multiple Accounts app cloner
*Supports WhatsApp multi device format and All social media apps, android apps & games.
*Interface User friendly interface of dual space app cloner.

Privacy Protection Dual space multi parallel app
*Allows you to use passcode to keep privacy on your parallel space multiple accounts.
*Creates an app klonieren of multiple apps and runs all in multi parallel space.
*Parallel accounts: You can stay logged in simultaneously with parallel аккаунт of work life & personal life. Quick Switch you can quickly switch between social networking apps & do multi chat at one time.

Dual space free app cloner allows users to maintain & run multiple accounts of social media apps games simultaneously. Dual space lite creates customised space for all cloned apps of social media network and clone games. Dual app contains space plus to maintain and run 2accounts in Parallel.

Dual space Multiple Accounts cloning app has a function of appclone, it takes multi social apps and via free app cloner i.e. a super cloner, clone games & klon app. Dual space free contains extra space storage plus to maintain and run multi accounts in Parallel.

App cloner takes social media applications, app duplizieren creates app clone & puts dual аккаунт in second space of multiapp. Free game cloner clone games gives double enjoy game experience from different game accounts. Dual space multiapp experience in multiple spaces. Dual app is unique, powerful, stable and easy to use.

Privacy Protection & apps clone function
*Do you want to make your own private account that cannot be found? Dual Space builds a privacy zone for you, leaving no trace in the phone system. It can make your private duplicate whatsapp account hidden and can not be seen by others, so your data security is ensured and your privacy is protected.
*Dual Space is a dual technology that can apps klonen We do not install more applications on your phone, so that your phone will run very smoothly!
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