CUMI Connect APP
CUMI connect, a unique initiative, complements traditional network and provides, easier anywhere access with efficient business transaction cycle time, locating genuine outlets, brand loyalty, with your language choice and eco-friendly. And as always we assure you of the unparalleled levels of service that you have accustomed to, with CUMI.
This mobile solution is centred around productivity and cost effectiveness as prime objective, build with various feedback received from you over a period, with usage of technology as a tool to enhance visibility, speedy information and efficient business transaction cycle time. Also a Gateway to surface latest happening and new products features specific to your requirement.
We have included the following features
1.Dash Board (a quick glimpse of the options provided to you)
2.Locating nearest CUMI outlet
3.Know about our Product offerings
4.Ask Expert (for any Query / Clarification specific to product / usage)
5.New Products
6.NEWS & Offers…
Once again we welcome you to CUMI, a gateway through Mobile solutions. Wishing you a Happy Business transaction on the move.