Crowdtest - Testador APP
• Keep an eye on available projects
• Participate in Crowdtest projects
• Perform test case executions
• Register bugs
• Upload your evidence
• Track the status of the projects you are participating in
• Track the status of your records and executions
• Control your profile
• Track your statement
All this in the palm of your hand, test anytime and anywhere!
Still don't know what Crowdtest is? We explain to you!
Crowdtest is a software testing crowdsourcing platform designed to bring together the workforce of freelance testers (you !!) with our customers who need to test their applications and services.
Earn money by registered and approved bug or executed and approved execution (you have to do it right for it to be approved !! Following the project instructions is a good tip!).
Our projects are advertised on our social networks!
Do you want to understand more about the projects and how Crowdtest works?
Exclusive app for testers, management activities must be performed on the web platform.