Concrete Mix Design APP
Concrete Design application has following functionalities:
Normal concrete includes the various types of cement such as PPC, OPC 33, OPC 43 and OPC 53. As per the chosen type of cement and grade of concrete, a W/C ratio is generated by the application. If the user is not satisfied with the given W/C ratio then the user might choose the manual water cement ratio. The water cementitious ratio might change as per the use of cementitious material. The aggregate size considered are 10mm, 20mm and 40mm as per IS 10262:2019. Moreover, the facility for types of aggregate as per mentioned in IS code is given. Total four zone are available for fine aggregate in normal concrete. Furthermore, different types of cementitious material content such as Fly ash, GGBS, Silica fume, Metakaoline and Rise ash husk are added. For satisfying the condition of minimum cement content; extra cementitious material in term of percentage can be included. If the user wants to achieve higher grade of concrete, one can utilize superplasticizer for water reduction. Especially, calculation of concrete mix design considering the wastage is considered to fulfill the requirement of given volume.
In High Strength Concrete, one can select the W/C ratio as per IS 10262:2019 table no.8. For HSC concrete, choose the grade of concrete and size of aggregate for taken W/C ratio. For pumping requirements, one can reduce the aggregate content as per the user choice option available. As per IS code, aggregate size of 10mm, 12.5mm and 20mm are available. For fineness of aggregate total three zone are given. As per IS 10262:2019 different types of aggregate condition options are mention.
In Self Compacting Concrete, M10 to M60 grades are available. Water cement ratio is similar as mentioned in the normal concrete. Range of water contents are 125mm to 270mm. Also, powder content ranges from 400 to 600 kg/m3.In SCC, aggregates are used same as in normal concrete. The result of SCC is in term of kg/m3. Once the result is achieved, it has the facility to convert that result into available cubic meter as per one’s need.
Technical Supporter: Jay Thakkar