Reinvented groups.

Latest Version

Jan 27, 2020
Google Play ID

App APKs

Chapster Berlin APP

Reach your contacts. All. Immediately. The campai app offers groups, clubs or companies a central location for better communication and organization.

Groups are individual. They communicate and organize things among themselves just as uniquely. That is why there are channels at campai. You give your communication exactly the structure you need.

Design your channels according to interests, regions, teams or projects. Public or private. Answers end up in the posting they refer to. No mess like other messengers.

Share channels with people, teams and other organizations. Depending on what you want to communicate or do, a channel can be anything. Your company and your club, the next grill party or a channel only for the organization of the next concert visit.

With the event function you create and manage unique and recurring appointments for meetings, training and competitions, events or courses.

Reach your contacts immediately. The push notification puts e-mails in the shade. Don't give it up!


Information according to § 5 Telemedia Act
campai GmbH
Klosterstr. 44
10179 Berlin

Register court: District court Berlin (Charlottenburg)
Registration number: HRB 192374

VAT identification number: DE315455407

Telephone number: 030/403 639 730 (Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
Email: [email protected]

Managing director authorized to represent: Alexander Adam

Alternative contact options: Contact form:

Responsible i. S. d. 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Alexander Adam

Privacy policy:

Online dispute resolution platform and consumer dispute resolution: The European Commission's platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution can be found at

Campai GmbH is neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures before consumer arbitration boards.

Imprint manufacturer:
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