Car modification APP
1. Beautify or strengthen the appearance of the car
2. Make the Car More Elegant
3. Make Cars More Attractive
There are 2 variations in car modification, including:
1. Exterior modification
2. Modifying the Interior
Exterior Modifications Divided Into Parts:
1. Paint
2. wheels
3. Bamper
4. Rearview mirror
5. Tires
6. Wings
7. Lights
8. Roof
Paint modification can be done in 2 ways, namely, in paint or by cutting. Cutting is the easiest and fairly inexpensive method besides cutting it also doesn't take long. Cutting is modifying the paint by attaching the sticker to the body of the car, cutting can also be made the design we want Example: Flag, Animation, Cartoon, and more.
Modifying the wheel can be done by moving the wheel to the Raccing wheel.
Interior Modification is divided into 2 Types:
1. Chair
2. Audio
Besides that the modification which for me is very good and interesting is the modification of the old car, because the modification of the old car must have some special tricks. And not only that the longest car modification is to replace all interior and exterior parts with the original. Because Modifying an Old Car is very difficult, especially by injecting a car.