CanXida APP
Created by Eric Bakker N.D. – considered by many to be one of top Candida yeast infection specialists in the world due to his 35+ years of experience working with over 60,000 Candida patients.
Features include:
• 10 different food lists with over 200 Candida friendly food options to choose from.
• Which fruits & vegetables to eat and avoid.
• The truth about bread and grains when it comes to Candida (hint: you can eat these foods while on a Candida diet if you choose the right kinds).
• Everything you need to know about which cultured & fermented foods are best for Candida and which you would avoid until your health improves.
• 20 in-depth Candida videos hours of free tutorials to watch.
• Links to “Eric Bakker – The Naturopath” YouTube channel where you can watch over 2000 free Candida & gut health related videos.
• Candida Symptom Tracker tool
• Candida Quiz where you plug in your symptoms and see if your condition is mild, moderate or severe.
• Relaxation and meditation tools to help reduce stress in your life and accelerate healing (Eric Bakker strongly believes high stress lifestyles are one of the key reasons some people have a hard time getting rid of Candida).
• Printable 1 page Candida food checklist PDF.
• Candida supplement recommendations and much more.
100% Ad Free. No annoying popups or notifications. No in-app purchases.