Calendar Customers APP
- Hairdressers
- Aesthetic centers
- Barbershops
- Esmalterias
- Eyebrow design
- Eyelash extensions
- Clinics
- Podiatry
- Manicure and Pedicure
- Drivers
- Handicraft
- Health Professional
- PetShop
- Car Wash
- And many other markets.
- Online Scheduling Accept online appointments on your website 24/7.
- Online Sales : Have an ecommerce in a few clicks and make online sales of your products.
- Multi-User: The access is online and all employees and collaborators can use the system simultaneously.
- Permissions: Define what each employee can see or do. Set up access rules and permissions.
- Appointments: Control schedules and queues. Several options for customization of the agenda.
- Sales: Management of sales, services, and discounts. Financial control of all operations.
- Commissions: Flexible system for generating commissions, with payment register and automatic discount vouchers.
- Stock: Advanced stock control with automatic service product discounting.
- Packages: Management of service packages. Configure quantities, prices, uses and more.
- Receipts: Customization of payment methods your business offers to receive from customers.
- Clients: Complete customer registration, with service and sales histories, packages, photos, tokens and more.
- Tokens: Personalized tokens for clients. Create forms according to your needs.
- Expenses: Register expenses and control payments. Get a more accurate view of your net income.
- Reports: View reports on billing, net profit, commissions, expenses, discounts and more.
Contact us at [email protected]