BookaBooka APP
With BookaBooka you always have a library of beautiful picture books with you on your phone / tablet or computer, even offline. In this child-friendly environment you can safely let your child get lost in a forest of picture books.
Read aloud yourself as a parent, or choose one of the reading voices and let your child get read aloud by BookaBooka. Karaoke reading (reading along with the reading voice) is also possible.
Many books are available in multiple languages. Handy for use in a multilingual environment or when learning a new language.
Every child enjoys being read to. It's fun but also very useful. Research shows that digital picture books have a positive effect on language development and story comprehension, even without adult support.
Being read aloud further contributes to the social-emotional development, the ability to concentrate, the reading skills and it stimulates the imagination of children. The love of reading, which translates into the love of learning, starts with a picture book.