Blikk Classic APP
Blikk is a cloud-based business software with more features such as Time Management, CRM, Project Management, Case Management, and more.
Blikk seamlessly integrates with accounting systems such as Fortnox and Visma e-economy, all to facilitate the administration of your everyday life.
To use Blikk need to create an account, this makes the You can choose to test Blikk free for 14 days, then you also have the opportunity to try to use the app's features.
Our app will help you with the most common tasks during the day. In order to have access to all parts of the system, you need to use our desktop version.
Some of the app's main features:
Time Sheet
Log your time easily and smoothly into the phone
Take short and upload directly
Through GPS tracking, you can keep track of people working alone made it home safe and sound
Find the right person and phone number directly
Learn more and register at