Barbell Tracker APP
Bar tracking occurs in real-time, giving you instant feedback as to whether your lift was tracked or not.
Bar path and velocity can be recorded, allowing you to save, watch & analyse your lift.
Suitable for analysing all barbell lifts:
➔ clean & jerk
➔ snatch
➔ deadlift
➔ squat
➔ bench press
➔ overhead press
✓ Automatic record stop & start
✓ Display velocity during lift
✓ Save / playback tracked lift
✓ Track multiple points (paid feature)
✓ Graph velocity, height & acceleration (paid feature)
Touch the screen to locate your barbell plate. Alternatively, long press to force tracking of a particular location. Pinch / zoom to adjust the size of the plate to match.
Press start to begin tracking. If "automatic start" is enabled then the app will begin as soon as there is movement.
Press stop when you're done. If "automatic stop" is enabled, the app will stop once the bar stops for a sufficient amount of time.
Press replay to view the last recorded lift.