baloo APP
You can:
- View and Edit personal information related to your account.
Most baloo: View and export data from your contract and summary of guarantees.
- Search and consult your repayments by:
Nature Care
Type of regulation
Most baloo: Consult with ease and speed your last 5 repayments by clicking on "my last repayments."
- Check your monthly statements.
Most baloo: Download and export your monthly statements.
- Edit your third party payment card by post or by email.
Most baloo: Your third-party payment is always on you! You can present to health professionals through your mobile.
- Depending on your health system, you can search and contact a health care professional. Once the research and find the professional, go with the latter through the application proposed by baloo route.
Most baloo: Try your search by geolocation.
- Contact us, all means are good! Call, mail, fax, in one click, you can contact our qualified managers.
Most baloo: Start the route laid out on your application and meet us without any difficulty.
- Thanks to our FAQ / Answers you will find the most common questions and answers developed by our managers.
Most baloo: These questions that make up this section will evolve and be updated regularly.
- Manage freely and independently the frequency and mode of receipt of your accounts.
Most baloo: Get push notifications via e-mail or your information repayments.