Backgammon Classic 3D GAME
How it works
The backgammon board appears in the center of the screen as soon as the application launches (in landscape mode), and the four buttons remain visible in the upper area of the screen. The first option on the left, Settings, lets you select from a variety of boards, dice, and stones in addition to setting or activating some crucial game features like the Doubling cube, the Jacoby and Crawford rules, and the match's duration. Then, the second button allows you to change the background color. The game can be controlled with a few simple commands by pressing the Menu button on the other side: Start, Stop, Undo, and Move. The PIP counts for both players and the game score can be enabled and disabled using the Arrow button.
How to adjust the board's position
- To rotate the board around the X axis, pan left or right.
- To move the board vertically, pan up and down.
- To change the board's apparent size, zoom in or out.
How to move the stones
- Press a stone to make it move in accordance with the number displayed by the larger die; if this move is not achievable, the lower die will be tried automatically.
- To use the lower die, tap it prior to the move; the die will appear larger.
- To roll the dice, tap anywhere on the board.
Global features
-- free app, no restrictions
-- No need for permissions
-- This app maintains the phone's screen turned on
-- Several boards and stones to select from
-- strong and quick "thinking" AI