AUH Find Vej APP
With AUH Find way you can:
- Find your way to the hospital.
- Calculate your route to the hospital from home, both by public transport and by car.
- View car parks - the disabled, taxi and bus stops.
- Save your position, such as your car, so you can easily get back to it.
- Find useful information that is relevant for both patient and caregiver.
- Find additional information about your department.
AUH Find Road can be used on land register P. P. Ørums Street, Nørrebrogade Tage- Hansens Gade and Palle Juul-Jensen Boulevard (Skejby), where Skejby Matriklen has indoor positioning.
If you turn wi-fi on your smartphone or tablet you get the most accurate location.
AUH Find Road is mainly for patients and relatives, but it can be used by anyone as it not only is patient-oriented location data stored in the app. Employees, drivers, students, job seekers, business partners etc. can also use AUH Find Road.
The search function will be continually improved as the app is gradually being provided with several synonyms for the departments.
AUH Find Road was developed in cooperation between DNU (the New University) and Aarhus University Hospital. Communications Department urges AUH Find Road, which is to say that all's reported defects will be sent there.