قاعدة بيانات لعبة الجوال Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross

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Google Play ID
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App APKs

7DS: Grand Cross Database APP

Database for the mobile game Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross.

Currently includes:

Character List :
- Base and Max Stats for each unit.
- Awakening stats given for each unit.
- Characters skills, passives, commandments, and associates.

Cosmetics List:
- A list of all cosmetics in both the Global and Japanese version of the game.
- All stats that each cosmetic give to the character.
- Where to obtain each cosmetic.
- Images of cosmetics.

Summon Simulator:
- A list of summon banners to pick from.
- List of characters summoned.
- Pity system built in.

- Awakening cost Menu.
- Cooking menu of all the recipies for each town.
- Other resources.

GCDatabase needs internet access to download data from the server.
Without internet access, GCDatabase will load the information from when you last used the application.

Grand Cross Database is not affliated with or endorsed by Netmarble
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