app01 APP
How it works:
First, enter your address or an address in the area where you would like to search products. Then, choose the category of the shop that sell the product you are looking for (restaurant, supermarket, art shop….). After that choose the shop, choose the product and place the order by following the checkout process. Shop will prepare your order and according to options will deliver it to your address or will make it available for pick up.
If you use app01 to pay a product that you did not purchase in app01 you have to scan the QR Code you find in the shop. You will be connect to shop page where you click the Pay button. You type the price you would like to pay, you insert your card data (if your card is not saved) and make the payment.
In app01 every user can be shopper. You can easily create your own shop, insert your products and enroll in the payment system. In few minutes you can start to enjoy a new sales experience.