Each project allows you to look around the scenes in a full 360 degree view.
How to Use:
Swipe Option: You can use a single finger swipe to look around a scene, and then click on the "eye" icons to hop from one scene to another.
Gyro Option: Enable your phone's gyroscope (if available) by clicking the "compass" icon in the toolbar at the bottom, and turn your phone in a different angle to look around the scenes.
VR Option: Click the "eye" icon in the toolbar, and rotate your phone into landscape mode. This will enable split screen mode for putting your phone into a VR Headset.
Tip - if you experience "double vision" in VR, check in the VR setup that the screensize shown matches your phones hardware specification, and adjust accordingly.
To exit an environment and return to the main menu, click the "down arrow" icon in the toolbar.