شفاداک ShafaDoc | نوبتدهی هوش APP
Shafadak's mission is to raise the level of health and well-being of our compatriots by introducing specialized doctors based on need and in the easiest possible way in the form of electronic services.
This system will be launched and usable soon with the provision of the desired infrastructure throughout the country. Therefore, Aftab Shafa Company is proud to welcome medical centers and respected doctors who want to join the large family of Shafadak Health. For more information, refer to the Shafadoc system at www.shafadoc.ir or call 091040111141.
Tehran office address: West Town, Dadman Blvd., upper floor of Dr. Zakeri Pharmacy
With Tehran office: 09024122361
Tabriz office address: A. province. Sharghi, Tabriz, Allameh Tabatabai Boulevard (Chaiknar), in front of the gas station, L-KAP building, fourth floor south
Tabriz office phone: 04133254089
Email address:[email protected]