Easily calculate various taxes imposed on cars, such as annual automobile tax, acquisition tax (employment registration tax), individual consumption tax, education tax, and value-added tax, before paying.

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Aug 11, 2024

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The annual payment discount rate decreases every year. How much discount can I get this year?
Still want to check taxes before purchasing a car?
I heard that car tax decreases every year depending on the age of the vehicle. How much will it decrease?

You can easily calculate the taxes imposed on various types of vehicles, such as passenger cars, vans, trucks, and electric vehicles, without entering personal information. Before paying car tax on E-Tax or We-Tax, check the car tax first.

1) Calculate taxes on purchases
You can check the individual consumption tax, education tax, and value-added tax levied when purchasing a car. We will help you check the car tax you need to pay before purchasing a car.

2) Tax calculation for registration
You can check the acquisition tax (employment registration tax) levied when registering a car.

3) Calculate taxes on holdings
If you own a car, you can check the car tax charged annually.

4) Check car tax for the next 10 years
You can check the annual car tax to be paid for 10 years from this year and the accumulated amount.

5) Confirm the discount amount applied for annual payment
If you apply for annual automobile tax payment, you can check the discounted amount.

6) Save search results
You can save taxes for purchases, registrations, and holdings that you have viewed and recheck them later.

7) Go to Etax, Witax
You can go directly to the car tax payment mobile site, etax (Seoul city) or Wetax (Seoul city, etc.). Be sure to check the annual payment discount before paying your car tax.

[List of taxes that can be calculated]
- Individual consumption tax
- Education tax
- Acquisition tax (employment registration tax)
- Annual car tax

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