Calculate prescription quantity or days’ supply to ensure accurate billing.

Latest Version

Aug 15, 2024

Rx Days’ Supply Calculator APP

With an annual subscription, community pharmacists and technicians can calculate the appropriate quantity or days’ supply with ease using the PAAS National Technologies Rx Days’ Supply Calculator app. Developed by the industry-leading audit assistance experts at PAAS National®, this robust Rx days’ supply and quantity calculator will help community pharmacies gain confidence, peace of mind, and minimize PBM recoupments.

Featuring days’ supply and quantity calculators for:

◦ All dosage forms
◦ Includes interchangeable and unbranded biologics
◦ Ability to include priming units
◦ Calculations consider beyond use dating

Topical Creams and Ointments
◦ Utilizes the fingertip unit method
◦ Touch screen selection

Santyl® Dosing Calculator
◦ Ability to calculate multiple wounds
◦ Avoids manufacturer rounding issues

Eye Drops
◦ Solutions and Suspensions
◦ Includes PBM specific calculations, when indicated

When calculated, the application will produce a PDF that provides additional PAAS billing guidance and can be wirelessly printed or emailed for recordkeeping.

Download the app today and subscribe to receive instant access to all of the calculators included in the app.
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