Preço Justo APP
Do you want to buy the cheapest fuel on the market, without pranks, without cashback or points that you never use?
Introducing the Fair Price, saving has never been so easy. You register, choose a monthly plan that is more compatible with your consumption, your liter balance will be valid for 90 days and you can fill up at any of the stations registered on the platform.
All the convenience you need when fueling up. Stations located by distance or price, so you are never left in the lurch and will always fill up at a fair price.
In addition, you can also share your liters with whoever you want through balance transfer, just inform the person, the amount of liters you want to send and that's it, people will have 15 days to use that balance.
Simple, easy and at a fair price! An innovative way to consume fuel, for you, your family, your friends and your company!
Available for the North region of Brazil.
For now 😉