Install MCD services app for your comfort
Simply download the app on your device (phone or tablet)and registered user can easily login now you will taken to the home screen where you can select the corporation (SDMC,NDMC,EDMC) where you will find the facility related to birth and death certificate and property tax.
Delhi municipal corporation launched its online platform for the ease of citizens of Delhi to avail the services easily via mobile application .mobile application is to facilitate the citizen of Delhi to use the services provided by the MCD online portal through mobile application .users can now avail the web portal services through the mobile application.
Services available under this application are:
1. Property Tax
2. Birth and Death status
3.User Charges
Major feature of the application:
• Download digitally generated certificate of birth and death with a unique registration number.
• Can track the status of the birth and death
• Can pay the property tax.
• Easy to access as no need of any web browser and to remember URL.
• Facilitate where internet lease live or land lines are not available but mobile internet is available.
• Easy user interface.
Birth and Death status
Through this facility on our mobile app any one can easily download the digitally generated certificate and track the status of our certificate.
Birth certificate is used as date of birth proof in various department like driving, passport ,voter, pan card with the admission in the school any government official work. similarly death certificate enable settlement of the property inheritance and to authorized family to collect the insurance amount.
Property tax:
Through this facility on our app any one can easily pay tax using mobile and view the details about the property and at the last user can generate the payment receipt.
Property tax is a mandatory tax that has been created by the government and entrusted to the countries to the different states to be collected. This tax is levied once a year.
Idea behind this app is to engage and increase the number of registration